As part of this work 50 Asia Pacific community representatives were supported to travel to Melbourne for the AIDS 2014 Conference under an Australian Government Initiative called the Australian Award Fellowships Program.
In addition to actively participating at the AIDS 2014 Conference, the community representatives also undertook a range of capacity building training that contributed to their leadership skills and organisational experience as well as broader network strengthening between leaders and organisations across the region.

During the course of the advocacy and social media training the community representatives explored the value of video production as an effective advocacy tool. With the support of Raphael Elisha’s video production expertise, the community representatives were able to put their skills into practice and produce a short video entitled ‘Asia Pacific Community Experiences at AIDS 2014’.
This video inserted above aims to tell the stories of the Asia Pacific community advocates and AFAO International partners, explore the challenges they face in their work, highlight the importance of community in the global response to HIV and canvass the visions of community for change in the future.
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