Thursday 18 December 2014

What AFAO did in 2014

Check out our photo story on AFAO's activities in 2014.


We’re in Australia. It was what’s known as the silly season. We went to the beach.

Ok, ok, we were working too, but nothing worth photographing.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Joint launch highlights HIV issues for migrant and mobile populations

Speakers at the launch.
Mobile and migrant populations are an increasingly prominent proportion of Australia’s HIV epidemic in 2014. 

Surveillance data indicates that people born overseas in 2013 have HIV at double the rate of those who are Australian born. The data also shows an increase of HIV diagnoses acquired overseas among Australian born people over the past decade.

Against this background, two documents were launched in Melbourne on 2 December that make important contributions to the response to HIV for people who travel to or from high prevalence countries: The HIV and Mobility in Australia: Road Map forAction, developed by the Western Australian Centre for Health Promotion Research (WACHPR), the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) and the Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network (SiREN); and AFAO’s HIV and Stigma: A Guide for Religious Leaders.