Friday 20 April 2012

Immigrant, CALD communities and HIV - Silence and Articulation Conference, NCHSR

Presentations in this session identified key gaps in our knowledge about CALD communities affected by HIV, stimulated discussion about how to improve the HIV response among migrants and refugees, and explored questions of who is silenced and who is privileged in discussion around HIV, CALD communities and criminalisation.

Monday 16 April 2012

We're family too

I was privileged to attend the launch on 10 April of the "We're Family too" report on a community consultation on the impact of homophobia in Arabic speaking communities. The report also draws attention to the discrimination experienced by same sex attracted (SSA) people of Arabic speaking background in the gay & lesbian communities and offers recommendations for how these issues may be addressed.

"We're Family Too", launched by NSW MLC the Hon. John Ajaka, was produced by ACON's Lesbian & Gay Anti-Violence Project under the guidance of a steering group which included a wide range of community representatives.