Tuesday 24 December 2013

The M-FORCE : Media, HIV and Young people

'We would like to invest in young people by increasing their capacity, so the approach should be situated  in their dynamism. 

'Developing skills in interpreting and using data, content development, media and advocacy in a fun and participatory ways is needed' - Setia Perdana, Media coordinator of GWL-INA.

On 14 -15 December 2013, 15 young gay, waria (transgender) and other MSM gathered in Jakarta for a two day workshop called 'M-FORCE, the Media for Change'.

The purpose of this workshop was to develop capacity and skills on media, HIV and human rights for the gay, waria and other MSM community in Jakarta.

Setia Perdana reports on the workshop for AFAO.

The 2-day workshop was conducted by GWL-INA* with support from APCOM and technical assistance of GWLmuda. The workshop was delivered in a participatory style, derived from best practice experiences in the community. 

The workshop provided participants with an opportunity to develop new skills, including learning and developing an understanding of the media's impacts on gay, waria and other MSM communities, and how to manage it.

'Media and young people are one strength. We should be able to maximize the utilization of media for a change' - Didik Sugiartono, participant

Following on from that was a presentation on how practically to use data for content development. There were also sessions on the video making process as an effective tool in edutainment to reach young gay, waria and other MSM.

The last day concluded with sharing insights on best practice on media and advocacy experiences in the community, with participants working to develop examples of this.

'The M-FORCE gives me experience in a right writing techniques for advocacy' - Richardo, participant

Yogie Wirastra from APCOM closed this workshop by conducting a short discussion with participants about the plan for TESTJKT project, a campaign project to encourage HIV testing, particularly among young Gay,Waria and other MSM.

For more information, please contact Setia Perdana at setiaperdana@gwl-ina.or.id

GWL-INA is a national network of gay, waria and other men who have sex with men in Indonesia. It is an advocay organisation that supports the scale up of HIV prevention and care programs for MSM and Waria.

APCOM The Asia-Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health represents a diverse range of interests working together to advocate on, highlight and prioritise HIV issues that affect the lives of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people, including rights, health and well-being. 

GWLmuda is the youth-led National Coalition of young Gay, other MSM, and Transgender in Indonesia, to respond the HIV & SRHR related needs among young GWL.

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